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September 22, 2012 / josephesque

Poem Set: Published in Dodo #2

Tidings to the Miasma


Saline fog cleanses the eager

souls of men once privy to prayer circle

prayer requests, submitted by

single mothers who know a god

would understand, but maybe not the men

who fish alone in the morning fog

and need release from their unpaid job

of divvying out requests to prayerless circles.




Scrawled on a Bathroom Stall (Underneath a Q.)                               


Learning the purpose of life one assessment at a time;

it might be an infinite task, or completely inconclusive.

Each individual heart has a job and a purpose; however, all must consider:

the purpose of the heart implies purpose must be inherent in life.


It might be an infinite task, or completely inconclusive.

Perhaps a life will silence; and a soul may soon discover why

the purpose of the heart implies purpose must be inherent in life.

Then again, in the end, any knowledge gained may just vanish, dreamily.


Perhaps a life will silence; and a soul may soon discover why

man is given an innate need to find some meaning in life;

then again, in the end, any knowledge gained may just vanish, dreamily.

One cannot be sure if anything’s true, and if so, what in hell is?


Man is given an innate need to find some meaning in life,

and whether or not a person can give up inhibitions and believe,

one cannot be sure if anything’s true. And if so, what in hell is

the question (with no answer) that should not be ignored?


And whether or not a person can give up inhibitions and believe

each individual heart has a job and a purpose, still, all must consider

the question (with no answer) that should not be ignored,

learning the purpose of life one assessment at a time.




Unfortunate Ways To Say “I Love You”


I am utterly enraged

and terrified it’s terminal.


If ever I break

your spirit, take mine.


I’ve done ghastly acts

to secure your fervor.


I’ve seen the future;

we will die together.


Your soul isn’t mine

forever; your body is.


You’re all I need.

Take my mother’s place.


You just have to

ask, and I’ll kill.


Young tender voice: pacify

the savage ones within.